Introducing: The Ko-Create Planner!
Music: Another Time. Musician: LiQWYD.
Over 40 planner pages you can print as many times as you need
Plus, a 35-minute tutorial to guide you through the whole process.
It's $25. Grab it here!
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Alright friends, here's what you can expect:
The 5-Part “Assess What You Want” Exercise
Plan it Out: The step-by-step process you’ll use to evaluate what should even end up on your planner in the first place. Plus, you’ll get two bonus pages to help you clarify where to focus your energy.
The Daily Toolkit
Get it Done: Use these pages day in and day out to intentionally organize your tasks and do what you need to do. You’ll map out your routines and stay on track with your projects using a suite of checklists, calendars, and planner pages.
Show Yourself Some Grace (My Favorite Part!)
Take a Breather: 3 Pages that will help you go easy on yourself in the process.
For real, this is my favorite part! You’ll use these tools to pause and reflect, remind yourself that you’ll be okay when things don't go as planned, and encourage yourself to go enjoy the things you truly enjoy!
Music: Another Time. Musician: LiQWYD.
A Video Tutorial walking you through how to use it all!
I know you’re super smart and you can figure all of this out on your own - BUT I’m here to guide you through the entire process. This tutorial is jam-packed with loads of direction and compassion so you can design your planner however it truly works for you.
Now, that may be all the information you need to decide if you're in or you're out. And that's totally fine! Some of you, though, may need a little more background to understand what you can expect.
So would you mind if I tell you how I got to a place where I felt compelled to create this planner in the first place?!
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I don’t know about you, but I thought I had done it all “right.”
I mean, I had landed the jobs and the husband I desired. I had taken calculated career risks and made brave moves. I had supportive people around me, and I supported organizations I believed in. I was organized, planned, and on point in so many areas.
And frankly, I was miserable.
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No matter how my life may have looked on paper or how it could have seemed to other people, I knew how awful I felt in my body.
Sound like anyone you might know?
It's okay, love. We've all been there.
I knew that what I really needed was deeper than any of the things I was so busy doing.
What I really needed was to let my desires evolve and to find gratitude from a more grounded place. I wanted to set aside the surface-level, push-things-under-the-rug affirmations I was used to clinging onto just so I could get through the day.
I wanted complete honesty - or at least a way to get closer to it.
The internal and external expectations were too costly to my well-being. I needed a way to find and focus on what actually mattered to me.
So, one week while I was sick and stuck at home, I pulled all of the planning tools I've used over the years that have actually helped me stay focused on what I truly want.
It was all done and perfect and shiny and ready to release into the world immediately in its immaculate package -
. . . Just kidding!
Honestly, it took me about a year and a half to keep working on the planner and implementing these tools to see what I was actually using. I kept digging in to see how I could make it better - not in theory, but in my real life.
You know, the real life that's ultimately utterly unpredictable. The real life that will still be messy, no matter how hard I work on making it perfectly neat and tidy. The real life that is both magic and monotonous.
The real life that I want to actually live - not just optimize.
So, with all of that, I present to you the Ko-Create Planner!
I don't have any grand promises for you. There are no strict results in a set number of days. There are no glamorous guarantees of maximizing the crap out of every single day, and there are certainly no illusions of transforming every last part of your life into ease and perfection.
I don't believe that you or I can be diminished down to task lists or rigid sets of requirements for whether or not we’ve lived our days "right.”
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The Ko-Create Planner can help you define the things you want, and it can give you the tools to come up with your own plan - one that works in your real life.
At the end of the day, this is a companion you can take with you while you move through your days and your life.
If that sounds good to you, grab the video tutorial and the planner here!
Even if the Ko-Create Planner isn’t for you, I just ask one thing, my love - please go easy on yourself. Please know that you are more than the tasks you complete, and please be gentle with you.
One last time, you can grab the Ko-Create Planner here!
If you do decide to use it, tell me what you think! Tell me what’s working and what’s not working.
Can’t wait to hear from you!